Telling the story of the present, for the future.

The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District was founded in 1970 to preserve open space land in perpetuity. As a public affairs intern, I crafted engaging stories of community building, land preservation, and nature restoration for social media, newsletters, and press releases. I also set off into the Bay Area environmental community to build relationships with partner organizations and highlight their work as well.

Here are some of my top stories published in Midpen’s online and print newsletters:

Growing Oak Trees, One Tree at a Time

Canopy’s Green Urban Foresters are Greening their Communities

Long Time Volunteer Hal Tennant Turns 91

Searching for Bay Checker Spot Butterflies

Coastal Barn Provides Window into Agricultural Roots and Roosting Bat

I also spearheaded several social media campaigns on behalf of Midpen. Here are some highlights from those campaigns:

Up first, the year-long Instagram-focused campaign to promote the tenth anniversary of Measure AA, a 30 million dollar general obligation bond that voters approved in 2014. The bond funded major land acquisitions, landmark nature restoration projects, and trail openings across over 70,000 acres of Midpen land. The goal of this campaign was to let the public know where their dollars went after they voted yes on the measure in 2014. These below are just some of the 30 Measure AA posts. Click the pictures to see the full post.

Here are some posts from smaller campaigns. Each of these posts is a snippet from smaller social media campaigns that were focused on keeping our followers engaged with Midpen’s account. Each campaign lasted the duration of about 1-2 months, usually highlighting the peculiarities of a particular season. Click on each picture for the full post.

Finally, here are some advertisements I designed for Midpen to invite newcomers into the preserves. As seen in the Sierra Club Magazine and Bay Nature Magazine, respectively.

Background image by Darius Dunlap