After spending my childhood listening to the Bay Area’s NPR station, I put my own stamp on the iconic station’s reporting in 2022. I created a beat covering blue-collar workers’ protests against their employers, fighting for better treatment. I pitched a unique feature on the South Asian Literature and Arts Festival, the first in the news station’s history. I covered youth climate protests across the Bay Area, and more. Check out some of the highlights from my published and recorded work at KQED below.

Published on KQED’s website:

Agreement Reached with Striking Janitors at Meta Offices

‘Diversity, Equality, Inclusion’: Natalie Rogers Outlines Her Goals as Santa Rosa’s First African Mayor

No Charges for Sheriff’s Deputy in Fatal 2021 Shooting

Here are the stories published on the radio. There are two stories in each clip, one of which was written, and in some cases, voiced, by me. Keep an eye out for the headline written on the clip to match it with the story of the same subject on the audio clip. Some are at the back half of the audio clip.

The stories in the first column are all regarding workers protesting against their labor conditions. The second column are highlights from a months-long story I worked on about an Incarcerated Cambodian refugee that was deported to Vietnam. The third column are one-off features on a variety of topics.